Happy Valentine's Day
有它,男生都會很專注且安靜 XDD
i want you close by
i guess i'm missing you more than i usually do.
身為浪漫文藝青文的我們,一同來閱讀這首有名的詩吧 :)
Love's Philosophy
by Percy Bysshe Shelley
The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the ocean,
The winds of Heaven mix forever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
In one spirit meet and mingle.
Why not I with thine? -
See the mountains kiss high Heaven
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth
And the moonbeams kiss the sea:
What is all this sweet work worth
If thou kiss not me?
To all my friends,
Wish you have a sweet Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year with family.