MC script of ICAIT (上)


*謝謝開幕酒會與研討會的夥伴世旻(左三),我們部份都來不及寫稿就上場了,所幸之前一起有接待邁阿密同學之經驗 :)
*謝謝中午休息時段表演的夥伴德茂(左一),讓我有時間吃午餐 :D

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2010/7/7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to 2010 the International Conference on Accounting and Information Technology, which is hosted by the Department of Accounting and information Technology, National Chung Cheng University.

The opening ceremony will start in 10 minutes. May I ask everyone to please be seated? In order for conference to run smoothly, please turn off your cell phone or switch into the vibration mode. In order to maintain the tidiness of the conference room, no food or drinks are allowed here. However, food and drinks are allowed in the outside opened space and all seminar rooms. In addition, microphones are beside the back of seats in the row in from of you. Thank you very much for your earnest cooperation.

09:30 研討會開始、開幕致詞
Good morning again, ladies & gentlemen! Welcome to the opening ceremony of the 2010 International Conference on Accounting and Information Technology which is hosted by the Department of Accounting and information Technology at National Chung Cheng University. I am today’s emcee, and my name is Jasmine.

Now let’s welcome our university president and conference chairs to give us opening remarks. (clap) First, let’s welcome ...
Thank you, XXX for your inspirational speech.

Next, let’s welcome....
(!要特別注意來賓的頭銜與順序,尤其是官代表。可說 We will introduce the following guests by the alphabetical order of their last names. )
Thank you all for attending our conference.
This is the end of our opening ceremony. Now, we will continue on with accounting and finance keynote speeches. If you would like to share your opinions during the process, you may use the microphone beside the seat, in front of you.
Once again, thank you all for attending our conference.
Now it’s our first keynote speech. Let’s welcome our moderator from National Taiwan University, Professor XXX. (clap)

11:00 休息時間
This is the end of our section of keynote speeches. We are grateful for your attendance. From now until 11:20, we will have a coffee break and our luncheon time starts from 12:30 until 13:30. We’ve prepared food and beverages outside of this conference room. Please enjoy!

The parallel sessions and workshop will begin at 11:20. Please find your place and be there on time. If you need any assistance, we will be glad to help you. Thank you.

If you have not registered for tonight’s banquet, please go to the receptionists on the 1st floor. Thank you.

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