Shore Beyond

又來開心分享一本兒童繪本囉 ^^
作者 : Mary Joslin & Alison Jay


終於等到她稍成熟,她爸爸同意帶他一同出航。恩~ 划船比她想像中辛苦些... 不過漸漸地,她似乎不滿意爸爸載客船夫這一成不變的工作,她想要冒險!


她們成功地到許多地方探險,但是似乎還不滿足,小女孩堅定地說" There must be more to see." 於是她踏上了一個人的旅行~
一天,她在港口遇到了一位水手先生,她興奮地問他:"How can I go still further?"
水手反問: " Where do you want to go?" 並且開始分享他之前的經歷。

水手望著遠方道: "In the end, it's all the same. Everywhere there are people simply going to and fro, making the best of where they are and getting on with those they meet."

小女孩驚訝地說: "EVERYWHERE? But I want to go; to where earth touches heaven... where, beyond the everyday things."

水手微笑地說: "You may choose to be a traveller, or you may choose to settle down. For your life itself is the journey. But in all you do, live as you would want to on that distance shore."

"One day you will reach the place you long for, and you will know in your heart that is has for long years been your home."

- - - - -
最近班上同學在忙工作面試和談論著未來,而我又再一次陷入深深地思考漩渦中.... 真的有人很清楚自己想要的是什麼嗎?
如果有,可以達到嗎? 有沒有其他因素羈絆著你呢?


哈~ Anyway, 別給小朋友帶大的壓力 (畢竟在談兒童繪本 :P)
希望有個案可以探討這套漫畫XDD (啥結論!?)


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