
Showing posts from June, 2010

Graduation Season

It is with a heavy heart that I write this blog entry. Many of my friends graduate this year, and I am going to study abroad. Although we keep telling each other "It's not the end, it's just the beginning!", we all know that the camaraderie and bond is something we will miss the most when we part ways. Everyone will have different life and it is very likely to lose touch with many of friends you have made along the way. Therefore, I will keep running this blog to let you know my current situation as possible. Of course, if you can share your life with me, I am so pleased and lucky. Please remember sometime write me email or just call me. Never feel bothering me. Wish everyone all the best! (with tears..)

Animation Movies in my life

Animation Movies plays an important role in my life very much. Sharing the Top 10 greatest 2D animation Movies , which made by Violeta. (From Guadalajara) Violeta不論是剪輯技術和音樂都搭配的非常好~ 完全帶出各個影片的精髓,看完心中無比感動^^ 猜猜看那部是第一名呢? My childhood, like the childhoods of almost all children who grew up during the Information Age, was characterized by my insatiable urge to consume media. I watched hours upon hours of television. :P The time was so happy. To the great relief of fans, Japanese animation (or anime, as it is known to both Japanese and American fans) is finally beginning to cast off its undeserved reputation in the West for gratuitous sex and violence and exploitative portrayals of women. Though Disney is still unmatched in the sophistication of its animation, the content of its films is still far from cutting-edge. Miyazaki's films are much richer in content and complex in plot – they are films for children to grow up with and grow into, much like the best of classic children's lite

Goodbye are touching

Do we look like a group of super cram school teachers? Trust me, we are your best choice for learning English. :D 我們沒有商業化啦~ 我們純粹是彼此練習英文對話的好夥伴! 謝謝你們陸續的加入和支持, 謝謝你們付出的心力與回饋, 謝謝你們精彩的想法和趣事, 最後 謝謝你們的告白與平常對我的個人質問。 如同我們上周最後一次主題“How To Write A Farewell Speech” ...Good byes are touching. The memory of good byes while taking leave from our relatives after a great get together, a yearly meet with friends, reunion good nights and relocation farewells are all emotional experiences. This is one time, when we regale through all the experiences gained from this outset... 相信大家的未來是片開闊的藍天^^ 我會持續好好學習和增進英文能力, 說不定,有天我們大家真的就開了補習班 XD

[sharing] Why Men Love Bitches

Love is just like π: natural, irrational, and very important. - Lisa Hoffman People say I am too independent and rational. However, in the book < Why Men Love Bitches> This "advantage" attracts better men. Here is an article by Holly Baruch. Sherry Argov has accomplished something very rare to the human race, a guidebook specifically designed to help transform women from “doormats to dream girls.” Why Men Love Bitches has become a national bestseller, giving a fresh insight into the dos and don’ts of a relationship. According to Argov, a woman can be one of two things: a so called “nice girl” or a “bitch.” The assumption would of course be that a woman would prefer to be the nice girl. In today’s society, a bitch is recognized as a derogatory term. Argov however embraces it, giving the term a positive twist. Argov describes a bitch as someone who is “ kind yet strong …she knows what she wants but won’t compromise herself to get it .” The nice girl on the other

Wedding Culture of SK

婚禮是人生中的大事,無論在哪個國家都一樣^^ 有位斯洛伐克的朋友之朋友結婚 (FaceBook功能超強大@@) 雖然我們不在現場,但仍感受到慶祝及幸福的氛圍 :) 我喜歡新娘子頭上插著白玫瑰,美麗又動人~ Ľubka a Rado from AT studio on Vimeo . 斯洛伐克結婚習俗會將新郎與新娘抬起, 我想他們的伴郎會很累~ 不過一同跳舞狂歡感覺很棒! Lucia & Georgi from AT studio on Vimeo . 如果能到各國參加不同習俗的婚禮, 應該會是不錯的旅遊喔~


直到打包整理的那一刻, 才深深體會到自己卓越的布置與購物能力。 如果霍爾願意出售他的移動城堡, 或是哆啦A夢還有庫存他的異次元口袋, 這一定要買下來~ 哈!但這會失去整理打包消耗熱量的機會 及錯過頗多的樂趣與富思考之任務。 譬如說,捨與留的考驗 有四種最讓我困惱: 1. 厚重智慧 一種是蓋著灰塵且比字典重的書, 當你拿著「財務會計準則公報」及「政府會計」時, 想著這些說不定是未來吃飯工具, 雖然說機會渺茫,但有可能還有用。 另一種是有著走過軌跡的學習書, 想想鄭丁旺教授都出到第十版了,我的第七版還可利用嗎? 2. 似乎有著法力的東西 幾年前很瘋迷巫毒娃娃,所以也跟進賣了一隻, 但現在看著它,實在不懂當時為什麼要買 冏rz 不過又礙於說不定它真的有默默在保護我的心態, 完全不知道是該留下或是說再見。 3. 奇特之物 這困難點在於認為未來還有可能會再用到, 例如:聖誕節戴在頭上的麋鹿角, 想說可能會穿去歌劇院的禮服, 牆壁上的閃閃聖誕燈。 4. 紀念的記憶點 原則上我會保存朋友送的東西,和過去參加重要活動的紀念~ 不過有一些真的是很占地方與老舊... 只好說服自己,人是要往未來看的 = =+ 但是心中又捨不得 (泣) 以上煩憂即使是有魔法,應該也是解決不了, 整理打包真是一門藝術~ (茶)


朋友相聚是件開心無比的事^^ 謝謝彩花從高雄, 鄰居從嘉義及台北的太太, 我們大家一同在台北去吃吃喝喝~ 一早幸運快速坐上236公車前往南台北, (那裏的台北不是我地盤,所以無法成為好嚮導:P) 畢業典禮是起飛前的祝福儀式, 很開心能夠見到Hank與Norman :))) 政大很強調國際化和有許多氣球~ 繞出政大小鎮,前往 深坑 吃豆腐~ 這裡豆腐好多吃法,我現在扮演的是外景主持人 我們逛老街,戲古玩,購藝品,嚐臭豆腐及泡菜 你覺得誰的冰豆花比較好吃呢? 那天細雨綿綿,別有浪漫詩味! 下午在東區,完成看交響情人夢完結篇之夢想, 喔~有時做夢都還會想到感人和好笑的片段 :'D 共度氣氛好的晚餐時間(L) 花~你家的小富士很優(大拇指),我變得如此有氣質! 因為相聚的時刻如此珍貴 所以特別開心 還有謝謝妳們說我們家人都很溫暖, 歡迎下次再來台北住我家喔^^ 為了呼應豆腐,最後以韓國人"青春不敗"做結語 :P 青春啊... 人生就像辣椒醬 為了濃厚的味道 需要不斷的努力和用心 還有長久的等待 時間流逝後,辣椒醬發酵後才會有味道一樣 人生也會在等待後頓悟其珍貴。

Girls only

Menstruation - having periods - is part of the female reproductive cycle that starts when girls become sexually mature at the time of puberty. Menstruation is a very complicated process involving many different hormones, the woman's sex organs and the brain. Syndrome for the physical and emotional for many girls and women when their periods begin each month. You might experience: * pains in the abdomen * feeling nauseous and generally unwell * diarrhoea * sweating * fatigue * sentimental or blue feelings Therefore, DON'T EXPECT ME ALWAYS HAVE POSITIVE MIND! However, do not worried about girls. There are several things that will help relieve discomfort: * while menstruating, refrain from drinking caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, cola or cocoa. * avoid stress. Relaxation and massage can work wonders. * exercise and staying fit can help prevent painful periods. * keep your abdomen warm. * finally, use pain-relieving medicines if necessary. Remember that it is always best to

[share] Happy key

一個成熟的人握住自己快樂鑰匙, 他不期待別人使他快樂, 反而能將快樂與幸福帶給別人。 每人心中都有把「快樂的鑰匙」, 但我們卻常在不知不覺中把它交給別人掌管。 一位女士抱怨道: 「我活得很不快樂,因為先生常出差不在家。」 她把快樂的鑰匙放在先生手裡。 一位媽媽說: 「我的孩子不聽話,叫我很生氣!」 她把鑰匙交在孩子手中。 男人可能說: 「上司不賞識我,所以我情緒低落。」 這把快樂鑰匙又被塞在老闆手裡。 婆婆說: 「我的媳婦不孝順,我真命苦!」 年輕人從文具店走出來說: 「那位老闆服務態度惡劣,把我氣炸了!」 這些人都做了相同的決定,就是讓別人來控制他的心情。 當我們容許別人掌控我們的情緒時, 我們便覺得自己是受害者。 對現況無能為力抱怨與憤怒或為我們唯一的選擇。 我們開始怪罪他人,並且傳達一個訊息: 「我這樣痛苦,都是你造成的,你要為我的痛苦負責!」 此時我們就把一重大的責任托給週圍的人,即要求他們使我們快樂。 我們似乎承認自己無法掌控自己,只能可憐的任人擺佈。 這樣的人使別人不喜歡接近,甚至望而生畏。 一個成熟的人握住自己快樂的鑰匙, 不期待別人使自己快樂 , 反而能將快樂與幸福帶給別人 。 情緒穩定為自己負責 , 所以相處是種享受,而不是壓力 。