Sharing article -- about affection

(Flowing in thousands , only one swop of all the waters is taken to bear in my mind)

佛祖在菩提樹下問一人:在世俗的眼中,你有錢、有勢、有一個疼愛自己的妻子,你為什麼還不快樂呢? 此人答曰:正因為如此,我才不知道該如何取捨?

Buddha ask a man under a peepul : Everyone thinks you are a rich, powerful man, and you have a lovely wife, why are you not happy?
The man answer: Just because of this, I do not know how to make a choice.
Buddha smile and say: I will tell you a story.
One day a visitor would die due to thirst. Buddha pitied him and set a lake in front of him. However, he didn't drink at all. Buddha was so curious about the reason. "The volum of lake is too great and my belly's capacity is small. Now that I cannot drink them all, I'd rather not to drink at all." the visitor answered.
Talking about here, Buddha reveals a bright smiling face,and says to that unhappy man: "Keep in mind that you may possess wonderful things in life, yet only have to cherish one of them. Flowing in thousands , only one swop of all the waters is taken to bear in my mind."


Perhaps, I can not understand that "Decade’s hardships in the world could be exchanged for an occasion while they travel on ship. Century’s tribulations on earth could be in return for the marriage of the two. " is what kind of endless love relationship. However I believe firmly: Love needs to be searched diligently and be fostered. True love needs two persons to stick with their lives.

In billow human society, two hearts are interactive, adjust, and from original crush to final integrated sprit. This is also the perceduce which two souls are pestered ceaselessly from attracting to repellent and from aloof to close. This is far from easy and a difficult and long process.

No matter how long it would be, cherish what you have had. Isn't it nice to be with your family or close friends with food and wine together?


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