The Apprentice

她從外蒙古來台念企管,平時最愛在寢室看影集 XD (可見我們學校的外籍生,如果沒有機車,就只能當小宅宅)

關於"never quit, never give up"的概念,

If I were you, I'd rather be fired, to be honest, than quit."
You suffered anyway, why not choosing to lose the game with honour? -CherryYen2810

I think she made the right decision, and She was absolutely right. I think winning in life it depend what the person like, I worked sometimes 20 hour a day and gated the money that i was never dreamed to have, but you will become living in your imagination you will forgot about living in earth and sitting down talk to people, that's the real life, and never forget that you were born naked and you will past away one day and go naked.- TheBomed22

She is a quitter and a true loser and there is no other reason for it. I hear people on here trying to make it justifyable that she quit, but the fact of the matter is, is like she said that people who know her knows she doesn't give up means that when everyhting is easy sure she'll stay in it but when it gets hard she'll roll over and quit! - amous



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