[share] breadth vs. depth

After talking to some "rational people," some new ideas received...

In general, the depth and breadth of understanding as a student: Breadth of understanding is an expression of the ability to operate across disciplinary boundaries in a coherent and productive way, with principles drawn from different disciplines. Depth of understanding depends upon mastery of a body of knowledge, but it is not to be confused with knowledge, and is not necessarily commensurate with the number of courses taken in a subject.
Depth and breadth of understanding depend upon, and themselves contribute to, independence of thought; they contribute also to a love of learning. Possession of a historical perspective may be essential to a broad and deep understanding of a subject. (abstract from :
General Information)

However, the greatest cost of breadth, is lack of depth. Meanwhile, it comes along with switch costs. Many people mention that it is not an easy decision to switch career as all the experiences build up is considered "wasted" (not a direct relevant experience).

Paul Sonier tries to answer this baffling issue,

I would generally say to gain knowledge organically, i.e. as you work. I don't think it's POSSIBLE to gain truly valuable "deep" knowledge unless you are challenged with it; while it's possible to challenge oneself to gain that knowledge, it's much more common to gain it through work experience. And the knowledge gained that way is much deeper and better ingrained; to some extent, without the practical knowledge and experience of implementation that comes from needing to do something professionally, any knowledge learned is shallow.

Accountants require specific knowledge, including a high level of professionalism, commitment, knowledge, education, and integrity if they want to go far in the accounting world. (That's why accountants earn "good" reputation) However, no gain without pain.
For example, accounting professionals who desire to learn new skills and want responsibility for an entire project, not simply a piece of it, will add both depth and breadth to their career skills portfolio, such as a Senior Tax Accountant.

If you do not want to think too much, what exactly your future will be.
You may keep believing on God bless good people, (天公疼好人 XD)
and have good friends to cry for help or a thinking-too-much blog to read. ;-)

Just well-prepared or keep preparing... right things will come to you!


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