MC script of ICAIT (下)

擔任晚宴主持人難度又更高了 > <"
不僅要正確還要風趣,所幸各位來賓還滿好掌握的 XD

J: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I am Jasmine
D: and I am Danny.
J: we are the MCs of tonight’s banquet.
D: After today’s compact conference, we would like to thank you for your efforts and participation.
J: I am sure all of you must have received some of the latest ideas and have exchanged valuable and inspirational opinions.
D: And Some of you may even found partners for future corporations. After a busy but worthwhile day, now please relax and enjoy the banquet.

J: Danny, do you know the big news in accounting area?
D: I guessed it’s SOX Act…?
J: come on... it’s not a “news” anymore.
D: Or is that the Big 4 accounting firms are growing to Big 5? Just because of the eastern rising power?
J: Probably, however, NO! I give you a hint. Accounting is the language of business, but it is still not global and common language yet...
D: Ok I got it. You must mean the topic IFRS, right?
J: Good, but I am a little bit tired of hearing accounting stuffs anymore, what else is world-wide?
D: What’s in common all of us? MUSIC AND FOOD.
J: Luckily we have both tonight.....

除了開場可能比較固定格式,後續的閉幕演說、頒獎典禮與閉幕請大家自由發揮 :P

網路上也有些資源可供參考, 我個人最喜歡這個,她很迷人



Prof. Smith說他們的女兒喜歡我的校園導覽,


PHOTO shot by Ben Fang.


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