
Showing posts from January, 2009

Miss you, my friends

Though I don't writeor call you as often as I would like to I spend time every day thinking about you Sometimes it is a memory of something we shared Other times it is an incident in my life that I imagine myself telling you about No matter what it is in my mind I write and call you every day and I miss you -Poem by Susan Polis Schutz

Are you a Procrastinator? 你總是把工作拖到最後一刻?

Manana, manana, manana! Do you always put off until tomorrow what you can do today? Do you postpone when you should be plowing ahead? Do you leave things on the back burner until you get burned? Be careful, procrastinating can be deadly to your productivity, your personal relationships, and possibly even your career.Procrastination gives others a bad impression of you. It makes people feel you are irresponsible, lazy, and passive. If you don't want others to think that you are incompetent or unfocused, avoid coming up with every excuse in the book as to why you can't or couldn't get something done. How do you avoid being a procrastinator? You first have to ask yourself these three simple questions: What are you doing now? Why are you doing it? And for whom are you doing it? Reasons for Procrastination There are thousands of reasons why people put off doing certain things at work. Some people procrastinate because they are worried that their efforts will be criticized or tha...


真的很喜歡這段話。 我們總是聽詩人說,尋找失落的一角。 叫我們把希望放在那個還沒找到的人兒。 可以從他/她身上找回自己,不安,不快樂,不開心的源頭。 但現實是殘忍的。 大部份的不完整跟殘缺,其實更『該』或著『只能』從自己內心深處找出來的。 我也迷失沒信心過。 我曾經以為只要能追到一個漂亮女生/英俊的男生,就能肯定自己的魅力。 我曾經以為兩個人交往平淡到窒息,下一招就是換一個最快。 我曾經以為能解決大家的各式感情問題,就代表自己也能幸福無雙。 我曾經天真的以為從別人身上,就能找回自己深層焦慮的答案。 真正的魅力,不是萬人迷,不是人超帥,個性無敵好,家財萬貫,學歷高。是你更了解自己,知道自己有那些缺點,有哪些不如人,不被人喜歡的地方。能坦然面對的就欣然接受,不甘心的就勇敢改變。 魅力,是你更喜歡你自己現在的樣子。 穿越平淡的秘訣很簡單,不是條件技巧。而是真心誠意希望『兩個人可以一起跑到最後。』你咬緊牙關的時候,也會感染另一個人願意為你更多做一些。 書,經驗談,本身都是無用的。它們只有被有用的人運用,才會產生寶貴的價值。幸福無雙,不是怯懦的站在第三者角度,感同身受。而是勇敢的親身體驗兩個人的時光。 『我們從來不需要去解釋強,因為強是由衷的』 我更喜歡把句子裡面的強,換成自信。 仔細看看身邊最有自信的人,他們是不是常常像漫畫裡的小傑、魯夫一樣。他們可能從來沒想過自己與眾不同的原因,但他們就是如此充滿魅力的改變周遭的空氣。 我頑固得覺得,在CATCH的前面,加個 I,或許才能靠近真實。 My happiness, I Catch. 自己的幸福,從自己身上捕捉回來。 當你是真的是一個很好,很有趣,很有自信的人。 緣份就會主動的接二連三出現。 我們總以為愛情改變了人,但真相更是人才能改變愛情。