
Showing posts from November, 2008

December is coming...

What do you think about December? December is almost the end of year... December is cold and raining in Taipei... December is suitable for eating and sleeping... (!) December is holiday season for christmas and ready for new year... December is my birthday month (haha, in fact this is my point :D )

CCU Mountains

Last Sunday, 57N and I had a walk around our school. CCU is a secluded, (:-) quiet and beautiful campus. Go straightly from gate about 15 mins and you will see a hill, where we took pictures. Here is our school symbolic flower: Bauhinia Blakeana, or so called orchid tree. Here are another plants, Kigelia pinnata . They look very funny. The fruit's shape is like big sausage. Gluttonous 57N never stop asking "can I eat it? " The answer maybe disappointing her. You not only cannot eat, but also have to be aware of the heavy fruits. For us, that afternoon was like fairy adventure. :)

Excursion to Xin Gang & Dong Shi (In chai-yi, Taiwan)

Xin Gang(新港) and Dong Shi(東石) are two villages in chai-yi, Taiwan. Xin Gang is famous for its Ma Zu temple, called 奉天宮(feng tian gong) . Especially duing March, at Mu Zu's birthday, all the Mu Zu temples around Taiwan will come here. Because here enshrine Ma Zu' s parents. Interesting, isn't it? Dong Shi is near sea and is famous for its fisher wharf. It's a good place to fly a kite and eat oysters. I love to see sea. :) Next time I'd like to visit my friend's B&B. During the way to these places. We visited so many temples. I heard lot of stories and myth about those temples from Alexander. He is a nice guide. A amusing thing to tell is that a place called 蒜頭, which means garlic. As a result, there are "garlic elementary school" and "garlic kidgarden"... :D Here are the pictures: #

What do you want to do in your future?

This question I've asked myself thousands times since I was in j unior high school. In Taiwan, it seems many people determine their future by their examination's grades, parents expectation and vanity. Few people ponder what do they really want to do for their life and few people know what are good at. However, fortunately we are in a great diversified society and open world. We can actively search ourselves. Now I wish I can think independently . Independent thinking is an ability that allows an individual to question information from an authority. Think for yourself. People and media sound like authorities because of their position or status in society. However, questioning them when something appears wrong or asking for further explanation about an idea produces positive results for both the inquirer and authority. (from eHow Culture & Society Editor ) Here are the steps provided by them. (Step 1) Rank experience above authority. Taking into account what the authority f


Now I am translating the handout for financial accounting students. This is one of teaching assistant's duties. ..╮(﹋﹏﹌)╭.. What's my point is that in the paper there's a sentence " Flipside of purchase returns and allowances." I don't know what's the word " flipside " meaning honestly. Therefore, I went for google and found out this song "Flipside" by The click five. It's been a long, long time since everything was cool I shoulda seen it coming but I guess I'm not the only fool There's something growin' on the outside Too much missin' on the inside Should I waste my time and let you lead me on and on and on and on? Waiting for the day when I'm complete Without you I'm doing what I can to let you be Making sure there's nothing showing on the outside Something's dying on the inside I'm still broken but I'm free I'll see you on the flipside I've got a bruised up heart But I'm still


1.遇到你真的愛的人時 要努力爭取和他相伴一生的機會 因為當他離去時,一切都來不及了.... 2.遇到可相信的朋友時 要好好和他相處下去 因為在人的一生中,可遇到知己真的不易 3.遇到人生中的貴人時 要記得好好感激 因為他是你人生的轉折點 4.遇到曾經愛過的人時 記得微笑向他感激 因為他是讓你更懂愛的人 5.遇到曾經恨過的人時 要微笑向他打招呼 因為他讓你更加堅強 6.遇到曾經背叛你的人時 要跟他好好聊一聊 因為若不是他今天你不會懂這世界 7.遇到曾經偷偷喜歡的人時 要祝他幸福唷! 因為你喜歡他時,不是希望他幸福快樂嗎? 8.遇到匆匆離開你人生的人時 要謝謝他走過你的人生 因為他是你精采回憶的一部分 9.遇到曾經和你有誤會的人時 要趁現在解清誤會 因為你可能只有這一次機會解釋清楚 10.遇到現在和相伴一生的人 要百分百感謝他愛你 因為你們現在都得到幸福和真愛

Sharing article -- about affection

「弱水三千,只取一瓢飲」 ( Flowing in thousands , only one swop of all the waters is taken to bear in my mind ) 佛祖在菩提樹下問一人:在世俗的眼中,你有錢、有勢、有一個疼愛自己的妻子,你為什麼還不快樂呢? 此人答曰:正因為如此,我才不知道該如何取捨? 佛祖笑笑說:我給你講一個故事吧。 某日,一遊客就要因口渴而死,佛祖憐憫,置一湖於此人面前, 但此人滴水未進。佛祖好生奇怪,問之原因。 答曰:湖水甚多,而我的肚子又這麼小,既然一口氣不能將它喝完,那麼不如一口都不喝。 講到這裡,佛祖露出了燦爛的笑容,對那個不開心的人說: “你記住,你在一生中可能會遇到很多美好的東西,但只要用心好好把握住其中的一樣就足夠了。弱水有三千,只需取一瓢飲。" Buddha ask a man under a peepul : Everyone thinks you are a rich, powerful man, and you have a lovely wife, why are you not happy? The man answer: Just because of this, I do not know how to make a choice. Buddha smile and say: I will tell you a story. One day a visitor would die due to thirst. Buddha pitied him and set a lake in front of him. However, he didn't drink at all. Buddha was so curious about the reason. "The volum of lake is too great and my belly's capacity is small. Now that I cannot drink them all, I'd rather not to drink at all." the visitor answered. Talking about here, Buddha reveals a

The first image of Slovakia

Lucky me had a scholarship to study Slovak language at Bratislava for three weeks." Ahoj " It is the greeting of Slovakia. Surprised that it sounds like "idiot" in Japanese at the first time. However I have to say, learning Slovak is really a big challenge, no matter is the garrulous pronunciation or the complicated grammar. Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia. I was a little bit of disappointed at beginning about this unmodern and small city. Somehow, the longer I stayed, the more emotions I had. People here are very friendly and they love alcohol a lot!!! You have to get used to it and I was involved in the pub. :) 寄件者 Slovakia, Bratislava Also can see what's the first class I had in this video :