
Showing posts from March, 2009

The meaning of traveling

“I am a citizen of the world (Diogenes).” ...Travel is essentially any exploration of unknown places. All my fears about missing out on adventures by moving to the city were obliterated by my travel experiences. Wandering new continents and meeting other travelers illustrated a strange, but seemingly inherent nomadic tendency that exists in many people. Many times, exposure to travel imagery in magazines and television create pre -conceived ideas about places that might be unrecognizable to others. To what effect do preconceived notions about the places the traveler goes to shape how he perceives those places? Can one escape this subjectivity and really come to know a foreign place? Surely, the natives of any given travel destination know their country and cities better than anyone else, but why is it that sometimes a traveler seems to see more about a place than the native?....... 目前旅行的意義對我而言,是一種逃離現實、忘記自己原有之角色 過程中享受生命中不一樣的驚奇,體驗相似卻不不同之生活 若能遇到頻率相同之路人或是寫寫信給遠方的朋友 都是十分享受的事 :)

Matsu in Taiwan

Matsu is the most widely-worshipped deity in Taiwan. In towns large and small, mountain villages and fishing harbors, country towns and city streets, out by the sea and farinland, Matsu temples are everywhere. Taiwan's Matsu culture festival started in the early hours of March 21. The Matsu culture festival activities kicked off from Chenlan Temple in Tachia(大甲), Taichung, and kicks off just after midnight on March 21, extending to FungtienTemple(奉天宮) in Xin Gang(新港), offering incense along the whole route of the procession, through the four counties of Taichung, Changhua, Yunlin and Chiayi, a total of around 372 km, arriving back in Tachia on March 29. On March 26, my friend and I went to join this big event!! We woke up at 6 in the morning ~ ~" and just in 30 minutes rode to Xin Gang. There were already many many people... "People mountain, people sea." ;-) You may wonder what's the specialty and the orginal? Simply say, it is the Local Matsus and guest Mats

List of Goals

"Every great achievement is the victory of a flaming heart." said by Ralph Waldo Emerson When I was a intern in E&Y, they taught me one value toward life is "Play hard, work hard." You are in control of your time. It is amazing where you can find the time if you are committed to the achievement of your goals. Maybe it is because I felt frustrated in romantic games recently. Somehow,this morning I woke up with warm sun shine. I realized that there must be more important things I need to do. Here's the list of my goals: In short term: 1. Pass AICPA ( American Institute of Certified Public Accountants ) this summer . I will study harder every day. 2. Lose weight! I know it sounds tacky. However, honestly it is very important for healthy and beauty. 3. Strive for a intern and scholarship. In long term: 1. Travel around the world. Before three years ago, I thought it was just an unrealistic dream. Nevertheless, now I've been to nine countries! I will conti


若不確定他最終是否停泊在我的港口,該如何為愛守候? 相愛,需要很多的運氣; 在相守的每一刻,都願意不棄不離。 相愛,需要一點運氣?不!相愛,需要很多的運氣。 「天下最幸運的是,你愛上一個人,而他正巧也愛你!」這只是剛開始戀愛時的好運而已。相愛之後,要如何使熱情持續? 「你和一個人相愛,而他從此以後都不會再愛別人了!」——這需要更多、更多的運氣。然而,持續相愛的運氣,並非「瞎貓碰到死耗子」那種不勞而獲,它多半來自恆常的努力,而且,很可能從兩人相遇之前,就開始用功了。 相愛的兩個人,都有很好的家庭教養,才能讓彼此懂得為感情負責、願意忠誠以待。雙方都有相似的成長背景、差不多的遭遇,才會有更多心靈溝通的話題、不會有太多人生價值觀的差異。彼此都願意包容諒解,才能化解許多感情的不如意。 你曾經留級、他曾經考不上大學;你曾經為愛落淚、他曾經為愛心碎;你喜歡到處打聽優惠折扣的消息、他樂在逛大賣場撿便宜;你以為流浪就是背起行囊和心愛的人去旅行、他認為最浪漫的事莫過於天涯海角相隨……在如此契合的神仙眷侶中,我們看到兩個人相愛的運氣,卻忽略他們各自在相愛之前的努力,以及相愛之後的經營。 兩人決定相愛之後,所謂的運氣依然在人生的際遇裡高高低低,很少有幸福伴侶能夠一路好運到底。其中一人飛黃騰達的時候,擔心「你條件比較好,是我自己沒福氣!」兩人都落魄的時候,又擔心「貧賤夫妻百事哀」的倒楣事發生在這裡。 經歷很多生命的風雨,我們才能領悟,相愛的運氣,是在相守的每一刻,和對方擁有相同的節奏,並且願意不棄不離。 相愛的運氣,不是賭彩券,買一張票,中了大獎,就能終生衣食無虞,而是回到每天的柴米油鹽醬醋茶裡,仔細咀嚼萬般滋味之後,分享彼此的體會,然後慶幸地跟對方說:「有你,真好!」 雖然,我們不會永遠都好運,愛情的天氣也不會一直都風和日麗,但只要秉持誠懇、謙卑的心情彼此對待,萬一兩人失去了相愛的運氣時,自己仍保有好好活下去的實力。  戀愛的收放法則: 臉上保持微笑,是創造好運最有效的方式。 即使碰到最壞的局面,含著眼淚、還能帶著微笑,連老天爺都不好意思虧待你了! 本文內容摘錄自《起飛之前,先學降落》、圓神出版